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Stella and Sol Box Set Page 32
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Page 32
She launched into her tale about how she fell for Phoenix and how she used Leo to get him over here. She even told him of her plans to run away. Leo didn’t say anything, but as Zwaantie got further into her story, she couldn’t look at him. The anger on his face was too much.
When she finished, she finally dared to meet his eyes. Hatred burned behind them.
“I can’t believe you used me. All because you wanted to run away with a lover, and you couldn’t do it under your mommy’s nose.”
“I’m sorry.”
“There is more than one way to join kingdoms. We don’t have to get married. Go home, Zwaantie. We’re through.”
Chapter 28
The Surprise
Zwaantie fled back to her own rooms. She flung open her closet and pulled out her old clothes. The ones she brought from Sol. She dumped them on her bed and searched for her trunks. She had no idea what they had done with them, but she needed to get out of there. Go home and forget this whole mess.
Her door opened, and she spun around to find Luna.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Going home. Are you coming with me?”
“No. I’m having my baby here. We already talked about this.”
“Okay. I will see what I can do about sending Pieter over.”
Luna sunk down on the bed next to the clothes.
“Why are you going home?”
“Because Leo told me to. I told him about Phoenix, and he said there was more than one way to join a kingdom.”
Luna frowned as she fiddled with the corset strings on one of Zwaantie’s dresses. “You know what this means, right?”
“No, I don’t.” Zwaantie rubbed at her temples. She felt another headache coming on.
“No.” Zwaantie had known this was a possibility, but she hadn’t thought about it in a while. She couldn’t see Stella declaring war at this point.
“How else would they make Sol part of their kingdom? It’s war or marriage.”
Oh stars. She was right. She needed to get home and warn her father. Forget her stuff, she was going to catch a carriage and go home right now, even if the Voice was a threat. She’d just keep her necklace on and hope the Voice didn’t tell someone else to kill her.
She flung her door open and nearly ran into Ari. “What are you doing in here?”
“Packing. Leo told me to go home.”
Ari rolled his eyes. “Let’s not be hasty. Really.”
“He told me there is more than one way to join a kingdom. That means war. I have to go home and warn my father.”
Ari shook his head. “We’re not going to invade Sol.”
“Right, and Sage was just selling those necklaces in Sol out of the goodness of her heart. This was the plan all along if I didn’t marry him.”
“Listen, I know you’re upset right now, but we can work this out. First though, you need to come with me. There’s someone you need to talk to.” He looked past her to Luna, who still sat on the couch. “You should come as well.”
Zwaantie scowled at him. “I’m going home.”
“Fifteen minutes. Please. Also, let me talk to Leo. He’s probably just angry.”
Zwaantie let out a breath. She trusted Ari. More than she should. War was the last thing she wanted, but maybe she was overacting.
“Fine. What do you want to show me?”
He placed his hand on her back and led her out of the room. Luna followed.
The first thing Zwaantie noticed in his room was the sheer number of guards. Ari’s room always felt large, but with the ten guards it felt small. Suddenly, Zwaantie felt the urge to run. If they were planning on a war, this was one way to capture her.
She backtracked, but Ari pushed her farther into the room. “Don’t be scared. He can’t hurt you.”
Zwaantie looked at the guards. In the middle of them sat Phoenix with Sage right next to him.
“What’s he doing here?” Zwaantie asked. Luna pushed past her and threw her arms around him.
“Sage has been visiting him. She thought she would try a visit with you.”
“Have a seat,” Sage said.
Zwaantie sat as far as she could from Phoenix and his guards. He gave her a small smile, but she couldn’t return it.
“You mentioned being able to hear the Voice, right?” Sage asked. “I got to thinking maybe Phoenix could as well. His behavior didn’t make sense, so I went to the prison, put a necklace on him, and his entire attitude changed. We’ve talked at length about the Voice and its influence. So far, it appears to only influence you and Phoenix. I’ve talked with Luna and a few other slaves, and no one else hears it.”
Zwaantie spun on Luna. “You haven’t heard the Voice even once since we’ve arrived?”
“No, of course not.” Luna’s face was earnest. She was telling the truth.
“Why would it just follow Phoenix and I?”
“I don’t know. I still have a ton of questions, none of which have easy answers. We needed to meet to see if the necklace really changed Phoenix. Both times when he attacked you, he was completely out of control,” Sage said.
Zwaantie wasn’t sure what to make of Sage’s words. She didn’t move. She was terrified to go to Phoenix.
“Really, he won’t hurt you. And if he tries, there are ten guards around to make sure he can’t.”
Zwaantie stood up and took two steps forward. Phoenix smiled at her, and her heart melted. She’d missed him. She took a few more steps, and he stood. She cautiously reached for him. He wrapped her in a tight hug, his body warm and comforting.
“I’m so, so, sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “I should’ve resisted, but the Voice was so strong.” Zwaantie pulled away, but he grasped her hands. “When Sage put that necklace on me, everything changed. My eyes were opened, and for the first time since we arrived, I was able to relax. I slept for forty-eight hours straight. I spent some time with healers, and Sage moved me to the hospital instead, but I was still heavily guarded. I’ve been wanting to apologize. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Of course I can. It wasn’t you. This does bring up a bigger problem though.”
“What’s that?” Sage asked.
“We now know for sure the Voice wants me dead. I can’t go home.”
Sage creased her eyebrows. “Why would you go home?”
“Leo told me to.”
Sage laughed. “He’ll get over it. Ari and I will talk to him tonight. Trust me, by tomorrow morning, he’ll be begging you to stay.”
“And if he still wants me to leave?”
“We’ll figure it out. Sit. I’m sure you and Phoenix have a lot to discuss. These guards are sworn to secrecy, so they won’t tell anyone what they hear. Phoenix will have several guards with him at all times for the foreseeable future. We can’t risk him taking off or losing the necklace and trying to kill you again.”
Soon they were laughing and talking like nothing horrible had ever happened between them. She wondered what their futures held. If she married Leo, could she keep Phoenix as a lover? If Leo didn’t forgive her, would he marry her? Could she risk keeping Phoenix as a lover?
She met Phoenix’s eyes, and she knew she would. In a heartbeat.
Chapter 29
The Compromise
The next morning, just after Zwaantie finished getting ready, Ari poked his head in Sage’s room.
“Leo’s on the wall in my room. He wants to talk to you.”
Zwaantie’s palms began to sweat. Ari had told her he’d work something out, but this seemed too easy. As she walked down the hall, she wondered what Leo could possibly have to say to her. His hatred had been real.
She looked at Ari’s wall with trepidation. Leo’s anger had slipped away and was replaced with resolve.
“Hi,” she said meekly.
“I’m sorry I exploded earlier. I was very hurt.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have used you.”
“No, you sh
ouldn’t have. What’s done is done though, and there is nothing we can do to change the past. After taking some time to think about things, I don’t want you to go home.”
“You don’t?”
“No. The fastest way to secure the safety of the people of Stella is for us to get married. If you are still willing to marry me, I’d like to move forward.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that I don’t love you.”
“I know. That’s irrelevant.”
He seemed so flippant about it. Like it didn’t matter.
“Do you still love me, even after what I did?”
“You don’t just turn off love. But I hate you as well.”
His words stung, but she supposed it was to be expected. She clasped her hands together. “I understand.”
“I’m still really hurt and angry. I won’t be back for the lock-in. I have too much work to do here, and I’m not sure I could pull off being lovestruck right now.”
“That’s fine. I’ll just go with Sage and Ari. Is Candace coming?”
“No. She’s still comforting her sister-in-law. Parties are the last thing on their minds.”
“Okay. Thank you for still being willing to marry me.”
“Sure. I gotta go. Bye, Zwaantie.” He turned off before she could reply. She stayed in Ari’s room for a long while, thinking over things. This was working out better than she could’ve planned. Phoenix was back. She could still be with him and fulfill her responsibility as queen. Which she would do as soon as she learned how to take care of the Voice. Before she left Sol, she never would’ve thought about having a lover. But here in Stella she could do the right thing and still be happy. That was never a possibility in Sol.
Chapter 30
The Revelation
Phoenix was staying in a room right next to Luna’s, and Zwaantie needed to see him. Two guards stood outside his door.
“May I see him?” she asked.
One of the guards nodded and let her in.
“Princess. Come in.”
Phoenix was sitting on a couch fiddling with a disc. He looked up and gave her a smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I had to see you.”
“Come, sit.”
She sat on the couch next to him and inhaled his scent. She’d missed him so much. She reached for his hand and grasped it tight.
“I need to talk to you about something. I have to marry Leo.”
“I know. Sage told me about the prophecy.”
“But there is a way we can still be together.”
He creased his eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
“Lovers are common here. Leo pretty much hates me right now, so I don’t think it will be a problem here.”
Phoenix let out a breath. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”
“I know. It’s absurd, but I love you.”
“Zwaantie, I know this will probably hurt you, but I just got my mind back for the first time in years. I don’t fully understand what has happened in the last few months, but I don’t think I love you.”
Zwaantie gripped his hand. “How can you say that?”
“I look at you, and I see a beautiful girl, but I have no intense feelings. I need time to figure out who I am, but I don’t see a future for us. Maybe someday, we can be friends again, but I need time.”
“Are you saying the Voice told you to love me?”
Phoenix shrugged. “I think so. All the feelings I have for you are tied to it.”
“But why?” Was it possible the Voice wanted her to love Phoenix? No, that couldn’t be. The feelings she had were real. Plus, even after she put on the necklace, she still wanted him.
“The ways of the Voice are a mystery. Maybe it doesn’t want you to marry Leo. Maybe that is somehow a threat to him.”
“What difference does it make to the Voice if I marry Leo or not?” Zwaantie rubbed her head. She had no idea what to make of this news. For some reason, though, thinking that maybe the Voice didn’t want her to marry Leo didn’t bother her as much as the news that Phoenix didn’t love her.
That he never did.
Chapter 31
The Dinner
Zwaantie spent most of the next day in Sage’s room. Honestly, she was so tired of everything. At this point she just wanted to marry Leo and get it out of the way. She supposed she could learn to love him. She had to. Little’s Raaf’s life depended on it.
For the first time in her life, she was also ready to take her place as the leader of Sol. As soon as she got rid of the Voice, because as long as it wanted her dead, she could never take her place as queen.
She needed to understand how Stella worked. By marrying the two kingdoms together, there would be a lot more going back and forth across the wall, and she needed to make sure she could handle the ramifications.
Just before dinner, Sage came into the room carrying two long dresses.
“What’s that?” Zwaantie asked.
“Dresses for dinner tonight. Lots of people in town for the lock-in. The Ticker will be all over it. We have to dress up. Let’s go get our hair done first.”
Zwaantie didn’t argue as Sage dragged her down to the beauty mages. They put her hair up in a twist and painted her face. Every time she looked in the mirror, she was startled because she barely recognized herself.
Once back in Sage’s room, she changed into the blood red dress. Sage’s dress looked a lot like Zwaantie’s but was a deep royal blue.
“Ari’s not going to be able to keep his hands off you tonight. He loves red,” said Sage.
Zwaantie cocked her head at Sage. “I’m engaged to Leo.”
Sage laughed. “Do you think that matters to Ari? I’ve seen the way he’s been looking at you. He would consider it a colossal failure if he didn’t manage to get you in bed at least once before Leo comes back.”
“But I have no intention of sleeping with him.” She looked down at her hands. She would never get used to how casually people spoke of intimacy here.
“That’s part of the problem. You are untouchable, and that makes him want you more.”
“But you’ve left me alone with him plenty of times.”
“If you have sex with Ari, you will be one happy girl. I have no reason to keep him away from you.”
“But what about Leo?”
“Ari is my favorite brother. And Leo will get over it. No one can resist Ari. Leo knows this.”
She grabbed Zwaantie’s hands. “Come on, it’s time for dinner. You look amazing. Relax a little.”
Ari met them at the door.
“Hey, pretty ladies. I think the dressmakers have gotten better.”
“It’s because Zwaantie is here. They want to impress her.”
“Well, they’ve impressed me,” said Ari.
He offered Zwaantie his arm, and she tucked her hand in it reluctantly. Sage took his other arm.
Cameras were flashing as the entered the large dining room. They paused in the doorway and smiled. Zwaantie wondered briefly what the public thought about Leo missing.
Ari found Zwaantie’s name card on a place setting right next to his father. She sat, and Ari pushed her chair forward. His hand lingered over her bare shoulder, and he leaned down and whispered into her ear.
“You belong here. In Stella, not Sol.”
Then he walked around the table and took his place between Sage and Pius. It didn’t matter what he thought. She would have to go home to Sol no matter what. Leo would be king of Sol once she married. That meant their home would be there. Not here. But only if the Voice cooperated.
A man with a camera stopped in front of her. “Where’s Leo tonight?” he asked.
“Still in Deep Sky. He’s working on the viper case.”
The man nodded. “Will he make it back in time for the lock-in?”
“I don’t think so.” The man walked away. Hopefully he couldn’t find anything scandalous in those words.
The king sat down a few moments later. She hadn�
��t really talked to him since she’d had breakfast with Sage weeks ago.
“You look lovely tonight,” the king said.
“Thank you.”
They chatted about the kingdom for a little while. Though she was looking for information, she was able to keep the tone light and her true motives hidden. She wanted to eke out every boring detail about how it worked. She had her own kingdom to protect. There were a lot of things she loved about Stella, but there were other things she wouldn’t allow. The king changed the subject after Zwaantie pressed him on the details of how the jobs master worked.
“What do you think of Leo?” he asked. Apparently he wasn’t shy about being direct. She’d have to remember that the next time they spoke.
“He’s nice.”
“And Ari?”
“Intense, but friendly enough.”
“You seem to be spending a lot of time with him.” The king seemed awfully curious about her relationship with Ari. Did he want it to be something more? She thought about how to ask without being overly direct.
“He and Sage are close, and I enjoy spending time with Sage. But, sir, can I ask you something?”
“Why did you send Leo to Sol instead of Ari?”
“Ari doesn’t want to marry.”
“I heard he was upset you sent Leo.”
“He was. He likes power and wants to be king, despite anything he says to the contrary. I imagine there was quite an internal battle when he found out Leo got to court the high princess of Sol. Sol’s a large kingdom.”
“So why didn’t you let him come?”
“Ah, well, Leo’s a bit more reserved than Ari. I assumed the high king and queen of Sol would’ve taken one look at Ari and thrown him out.”
Zwaantie giggled. “Maybe. But then why didn’t you send Pius?”
“Pius is too young, and Leo deserves a kingdom. And because he is smart, I knew he’d find a way to be successful.”
By now, dessert had come and gone, and people were beginning to leave. Sage swooped down on her father and planted a huge kiss on his cheek.
“We’ve got to get our sleep tonight. Tomorrow will be a very long day.”
The king nodded. “You have fun tomorrow night.”