Monkeys and Mayhem (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 4) Read online

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  He led her to the table where Ubon had covered all the food. Anna still hadn’t said a word. She gawked at the house. “This is enormous.”

  “Yeah, I had no idea. Truthfully, I don’t need a place this big. But this was the house they gave me with the job.”

  She sank down into a chair. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He’d gotten used to seeing the witches and their fake beauty. Even Julia had a lot of work done. Anna’s face was soft, not severely angular, and her smile could light up a whole room. Her arms and legs were toned but not overly defined. In short, she was stunning. No wonder he’d gone home with her that night.

  He needed to keep her at arm’s length. But heaven help him if she made an effort.

  He wouldn’t be able to resist.

  Chapter 9

  Anna wasn’t quite sure what to say. At least he’d let her come. She’d already lied to him, but he didn’t seem to blink an eye when she said a couple of weeks. Maybe she should’ve been honest and said it was for a whole month.

  She couldn’t get over the foreignness of Phuket. The trees, the houses, everything looked different. She could hear waves crashing not too far away and couldn’t wait to see the ocean. She’d never seen it before.

  The air was thick with humidity, and sweat formed on her brow.

  “Is it always this sticky?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Yeah. I’ve been here for a few weeks, and I’m pretty used to it. The heat is hard, but you get used to the humidity. Frankly, I love that everything is outside here. I haven’t eaten a meal inside yet. For the most part, if I’m home, I’m sitting out here.” He appeared more relaxed than he had when she’d met him in Michigan. She could see why. Everything about this place screamed chill. The outside kitchen was incredible. The fridge, stove, and sink were all outside, like they belonged there.

  “It is peaceful, though loud. What’s that noise?” The cacophony of buzzing was overwhelming.

  “Frogs, I think. I tried asking Ubon, but she didn’t understand what I was asking.” He chuckled.

  “Who’s Ubon?”

  “The maid and cook. She doesn’t speak English, and sometimes things don’t translate right when I message her.”

  A Doberman came and sniffed Anna’s hand. She scratched the dog behind the ears. “She’s cute. What’s her name?”

  “Una. I hope you like dogs.”

  “I love dogs. I’m planning on getting one when I get back.” Coming here was a big step. She felt like after this, she’d finally be able to get started with her life. A dog was a big commitment, but it was symbolic of beginnings. This trip was a breather. A way to step back and reevaluate what she wanted. When she got back to the States, her life would begin.

  Hayden ran a hand through his hair. It was such a simple move, but on him it looked so damn sexy.

  “So I wasn’t expecting you.” He furrowed his brow, but he didn’t look angry, thank goodness.

  She frowned and hoped this wasn’t the part where he kicked her out. “I know. I’m sorry. It was sort of a spontaneous trip. I wasn’t sure I was actually going to go until I set foot on the airplane. I never do stuff like this.”

  “You say that a lot. Sounds like your life is changing.”

  He was right about that. He loaded her plate with food, and she tried to figure out what he was putting on there. Noodles, some weird looking vegetables, and what she hoped was chicken. It smelled like a Chinese restaurant.

  She tried to not check him out. He was better looking than she remembered. How did she forget those broad shoulders and gorgeous smile?

  “What’s good?” she asked, pointing to the food.

  “Everything. Don’t ask me what any of it is called though. I try to ask Ubon, but the names never translate right.” She took a bite, and the spices exploded across her tongue.

  She coughed. “Water,” she choked.

  He handed her a glass and chuckled. “Sorry, I forgot to warn you about the chicken.”

  She drank the entire glass, but her mouth still burned. “What’s not spicy?”

  “Pretty much everything else. You should be fine. That’s my favorite dish. I didn’t even think that it might be too spicy.”

  “It’s okay.”

  He studied her while she ate. It made her self-conscious, and she deliberately chewed with her mouth closed. Then she remembered the night they’d slept together. She hadn’t been as bashful when she was eating the lava cake.

  She blushed, and he cocked his head. “So what possessed you to actually get on that plane and come here? No offense but the offer for you to come visit was kind of a polite gesture.” He’d leaned away from her, and she immediately felt humiliated.

  “I can leave. I don’t mean to impose.” She pushed against the chair, her hands sticking to the armrests. This was a huge mistake. What was she thinking, coming here?

  He put his hand on hers, and she froze.

  “Don’t be silly. You’re here now. I’m not throwing you out. I’m just trying to figure out why you came when you say never do things like this.”

  She cautiously sat down. She wasn’t sure how to make him understand. “My best friend just left for a year-long internship in China. I was lonely and depressed. After a few too many glasses of wine, I purchased a non-refundable ticket. A week later, here I am.”

  He leaned back in the chair and rubbed his chin. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Understandable.”

  While they ate, they talked about his first couple of weeks in Thailand. When she was done, she reached for what looked like an apple dessert. But he stopped her. “You won’t want to eat that.”

  “Why not? Too spicy?”

  “No. My neighbor made that, and she’s a horrible cook.”

  “You mind if I judge myself?” The dessert looked amazing, like something she’d see on cooking shows. She wasn’t about to not eat it because he didn’t like it.

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  She reached her fork in and took a heaping mouthful. Then gagged. Hayden laughed and handed her a napkin. She spit it out. It was awful. A cackle came from the other side of the kitchen. Anna met the gaze of the cook, who covered her mouth, but her eyes were dancing.

  “See, even Ubon knows that’s crap.”

  Hayden stretched his arms over his head, and his shirt crept up. Anna had flashbacks to running her fingers along those incredible abs.

  “Well, it’s late,” he said, “and I have to work tomorrow. Let me show you to your room. You are welcome to stay for the duration of your trip. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier. I want you to stay. I’ll leave you the number of my driver. He can take you anywhere you want to go.”

  He led her to a small house behind the pool. Then he pointed up to the main house.

  “That’s my room if you need anything. Just knock. You have free rein to come and go anywhere else in the house. I thought this would be the most comfortable for you since it has its own bathroom and living room. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Ubon can cook whatever you want, even if it’s American, but she’s better at Thai food. She doesn’t speak English, but if you get her number, you can message back and forth, and the phone will translate it.”

  He opened the door to the small house and pulled her suitcase inside. She followed, disappointed that she wasn’t joining him in his bed.

  “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He left without another word. She shut the door behind him. The living room was light and airy, decorated in soft whites and greens.

  She sank down on the couch and cringed. It was rock hard. Not exactly the kind of couch she could curl up and read on. There was a chair across the room that looked just as uncomfortable. In the middle of the room was a low wooden table with a few magazines spread out.

  She turned around and took in her tiny kitchen. It had a small fridge, sink, and two cupboards. She’d have to cook in Hayden’s big one.

  Across from the couch there was
a large TV. She doubted she’d even turn that thing on. She was going to plant herself out by that pool the entire time she was here and never set foot indoors except to sleep.

  She pulled out her phone and called Eileen. She couldn’t wait to hear her reaction.

  “Hey, girl, how was your first day of classes?” Eileen asked as soon as she answered the phone.

  “I didn’t go.” She couldn’t believe she was halfway across the world.

  “Why not?” Eileen sounded concerned.

  “Because I’m in Phuket.”

  “Shut up! You are not.” Eileen’s reaction was exactly as she expected. It was rare she could surprise Eileen, and she was glad for it.

  “I am. It’s hot and sticky. Beautiful though. I saw monkeys in the trees on the drive to the house. Crazy, huh?”

  “Crazy is one way to put it. What were you thinking?” Eileen asked with a laugh.

  “That I was missing you, and I was tired of a boring life.” She still wondered if she’d made a mistake. She was throwing a lot away to be here. She wasn’t looking forward to starting all over again when she got home.

  “Where are you staying?”

  “At Hayden’s place.”

  Eileen went silent. Anna must’ve really surprised her

  “Did you tell him you were coming?” Her voice lost the excitement.

  “No. I just showed up.”

  Eileen chuckled. “You’re nuts. What’d he say?”

  “He put me up in his guesthouse. He has a huge place. The main house has like four bedrooms. There’s a pool and a beach. I don’t ever have to leave.” And she wouldn’t be able to. She couldn’t afford to.

  “No, you have to get out. Phuket is supposed to be gorgeous. How long are you staying?”

  “A month.”

  “Holy crap, girl. Does Hayden know that?”

  “I told him two weeks. I’m hoping he won’t be too mad when I tell him it’s longer.” She wasn’t sure what she was going to do when it came time for her to get on her fake airplane, but she had two weeks to figure that out.

  “I might have to see if I can fly out for a long weekend. Phuket’s not that far from here.”

  Anna grabbed a throw pillow and hugged it. “Eileen, that would be awesome.”

  “Hey, I gotta go. Call me this weekend.”

  “Can do. Love you.”

  “You too.”

  She’d give anything to have Eileen here with her now.

  Anna wandered to the back of the guesthouse and found a bed that was twice as big as her tiny bed at home. She collapsed on it, and it felt like a rock. It might be better to sleep on the floor. She wasn’t sure she’d be sleeping after all.

  She hung her clothes in the tiny closet and stepped into the bathroom. The floors and the wall were a brilliant blue tile. It had a sink, toilet, and showerhead that looked like it would rain down on the toilet. The showerhead was in front of a wide window, and there were no shades. No shower curtain for that matter. The entire bathroom would get wet when she showered.

  She certainly wasn’t in America anymore.

  The next morning, Anna woke up disoriented. She wasn’t sure which end was up or what time it was. She checked her phone. Ten a.m. She hadn’t slept that late in a while. Then again, her time was messed up.

  She had a headache as well. She found some Tylenol in her bathroom bag and swallowed a couple of them with a bottle of water from the fridge. She stared at the shower. She didn’t want to get the toilet and sink wet. Also, the window.

  She left her towel and clothes in her bedroom and turned on the shower to see what would happen. Water went everywhere.

  This was impossible. She left the water running and stripped down, trying not to think about the fact that anyone could see in. Sure, the window backed up to a jungle of green and brown trees. But still.

  After she showered, she wiped the whole bathroom down, and her stomach grumbled. She hoped Hayden had some food. She was certain he was as work, which meant she could explore the house without him around.

  She dressed quickly in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She stepped out of her little house, and the hot sticky humidity assaulted her. She stretched and shut the door. In the daylight she could see the area better. Palm and other trees dotted the yard. The pool would be heavenly in this heat. The ocean appeared dark blue and small waves crashed on the white sand. After she ate, she was going to camp out down there.

  Una bounded over with a squeaky toy in her mouth. Anna wrestled it away and threw it across the yard. Una chased after it while Anna made her way to the kitchen.

  Ubon was doing dishes. She turned, gave Anna a huge smile, and motioned for the table where there was still one place setting. Anna sat down. Ubon pulled a plate out of the oven and set it in front of her. It had a stack of pancakes and four pieces of bacon. Oh, heaven.

  Ubon motioned toward the syrup and then held up two bottles, one with apple juice and one with orange. Anna pointed to the orange. She was quite surprised by the service and certainly wasn’t used to being treated like this. It was nice, and the food was incredible.

  After breakfast, Ubon cleaned up and then moved to start on the rest of the house and left Anna alone.

  Anna went into her house, grabbed her book and a lawn chair, and traipsed down to the beach. She set the book in the chair and let the water wash over her feet. It was so clear, and it smelled different than the beaches in Michigan. She’d never understood what briny smelled like, but now she did. She wasn’t sure how long she stood there mesmerized by the waves.

  Before Grandpa had gotten sick, they used to go to Lake Michigan all the time and sit on the beach. He often told her stories of his youth. At the time she’d found them so boring, but now she wished she’d listened more.

  She went to her chair and picked up her book. She’d never been more relaxed in her entire life. At some point she fell asleep.

  She was shaken awake.

  “This is a private beach.”

  Anna blinked up at a blonde woman with a pinched face.

  “I’m sorry. I’m staying with Hayden Jorgenson.”

  The woman crossed her arms. “You his girlfriend or something?”

  “Um, no. Just a friend. Who are you?” Though if Anna was being honest with herself, she was disappointed that he’d gone cold on her. She’d so enjoyed the night they spent together and hoped that it would be that easy again. Maybe she needed to break out the alcohol.

  “I’m Chloe. I live next door.”

  “Are you the one who made the apple thing?”

  “The tart, you mean. You had some?” She seemed so offended.

  “Yeah, it was good,” she lied.

  Chloe’s shoulders relaxed. “Really? Thanks. So what are you doing in Phuket?”

  “Just checking it out. I’ve never been to Asia before. Hayden was nice enough to let me stay.”

  Chloe’s face lit up, and Anna finally understood. “He’s pretty sweet, isn’t he?” Chloe said.

  “He is. What brought you here?” Anna asked. Chloe seemed like she was an east coaster, but maybe not.

  “My husband works with Hayden.”

  Anna creased her eyebrows. She couldn’t figure out this woman’s deal. She definitely had a thing for Hayden, but she was married. Alarm bells were dinging all over the place. Anna didn’t want to spend any of her vacation watching Hayden parade around with another woman. Not that she had a right to think that, but she wanted to. Especially since Chloe was married. She wondered if Hayden would go there. She hoped not.

  “You gonna let Hayden do some work on you while you're here?” Chloe asked.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Your nose. Or botox for those laugh lines. You should let him.”

  Anna didn’t understand. “Why would I have him do work on me? I’m perfectly happy with the way I look.”

  “But you could look better. What’s the point of having friends who are plastic surgeons if they can’t improve you?” Then s
he snorted. “But don’t let his partner, Dr. Ferrar, do anything. You should see the way he botched Maria’s new boobs. One is bigger than the other.”

  Anna’s mind was spinning. Who the hell was the woman? And poor Maria. She had to get out of here. She grabbed her book and folded up her chair.

  “It was nice meeting you, but I think I’m going to head inside. It’s pretty hot.”

  “It is.”

  Anna felt Chloe’s eyes on her back all the way up to the house. She wasn’t sure what Chloe’s deal was.

  She was sweating like mad. It had to be a hundred degrees out there and ninety percent humidity. She dropped the lawn chair next to her door, changed into her suit, and jumped into the big pool. Una jumped in after her, surprising her. Anna grabbed a floating tennis ball and threw it across the pool. Una swam after it. She spent an hour or so playing with Una and then sat on one of the lounge chairs, seeing no point in changing out of her suit. It was too hot.

  She was nearly finished with her book when Ubon tapped her on the shoulder. She pointed to her watch. It was almost six.

  Anna shrugged her shoulders. She wasn’t sure what Ubon was getting at. Ubon grew more and more frustrated, motioning all kinds of things.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”

  Ubon stomped a foot and waved her over. Anna stood and followed Ubon off the patio to her little house, curious as to where this was going. Ubon let herself in and glanced back to make sure Anna was behind her. Ubon went to Anna’s bedroom and flipped through her closet. She pulled out the short blue dress that Anna brought.

  Ubon pointed to the dress and then outside. Did she mean for Anna to wear the dress for dinner? Maybe. Ubon scrunched up her face and glared at Anna. Then she shoved the dress in Anna’s hands and pushed her toward the bathroom. Okay. So she was wearing her blue dress.

  Ubon spotted Anna’s makeup bag, grabbed her eyeliner and mascara, and handed both to Anna. Then she nodded once and disappeared. Anna chuckled after she left. Ubon wanted her to look nice at dinner.