Monkeys and Mayhem (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 4) Page 6
Anna couldn’t get over how thoughtful that was. Why did Ubon care anyway? Whatever her motivations, Anna didn’t care. Maybe she’d be successful in moving her room from the guesthouse to his bedroom if Ubon was on her side. She felt awful for even thinking that. She was grateful he was letting her stay.
But there was nothing wrong with getting dressed up. She certainly wasn’t going to discourage him from pursuing her. Anna showered, put on the blue dress, and paid careful attention to her eyes. She could make them look bigger when she wanted to. She liked makeup a lot but couldn’t afford the nice stuff, so she didn’t wear it most of the time. She stepped outside, and the noise assaulted her ears. The frogs, or whatever they were, had started up again. Hayden still wasn’t home, but Ubon smiled when she saw her. Anna spun in a circle.
“How do I look?” Anna asked, realizing after she spoke that Ubon couldn’t understand her.
Ubon nodded anyway, then held up one finger. She pulled her purse out from under the sink and dug around in it for a second. Then she whipped out a bright red lipstick. She handed it to Anna. Lipstick wasn’t her thing, but she couldn’t deny this woman who seemed so intent on helping her look nice for Hayden. She took the lipstick into the guest bathroom and put on a light layer. It actually added quite a bit to her appearance. Ubon knew her stuff.
Anna gave the lipstick back just as the side gate opened. Ubon quickly pulled out a chair and motioned for Anna to sit, and Anna followed her command. It had become evident that if she wanted Hayden to think of her as anything more than a houseguest, Ubon was key.
Ubon smiled wide and pointed at her mouth indicating she wanted Anna to do the same. Anna hoped none of the lipstick got on her teeth as she gave a wide smile as he walked up the path.
Chapter 10
Hayden stopped short when he saw Anna sitting at the table. She’d dressed up for dinner. He didn’t know what the bottom of her dress looked like, but the top was sleeveless with a heart-shaped neckline. It was stunning on her. And the red lipstick was new. He wanted to kiss it off her lips.
He couldn’t think that way. She was staying at his house. If they started kissing, it would lead to other things, and he didn't want to give her the wrong idea. Getting involved with anyone would be a bad idea. Anna turning into one of those witches was the last thing he wanted.
He handed her the flowers he was holding. He didn’t know what possessed him to stop on the way home from work, but he saw a small flower stand, and he bought a bouquet of pink and white lilies.
“Thank you,” she said, sticking her nose into the flowers.
“You said lilies were your favorite, right?”
“I did. I’m surprised you remember.”
He sat down across from her, and Ubon took the flowers and arranged them in a vase.
After that, Ubon brought over all their food. “Did you have a nice day at work?” Anna asked him, those luscious red lips forming words he could barely discern the meaning of because they were so distracting.
“Yeah, I did. I worked in the hospital today, which I like better than the clinic.” He was actually tempted to go back to Michigan and say forget it. He hadn’t learned anything new since he’d arrived. But he was never one to quit something he started.
“What kind of doctor are you anyway? You never told me,” she said. Then she took a bite of her food and closed her eyes. “Mmm. Ubon, this is fantastic.”
How the hell did she make eating look sensual? It was going to be a very long two weeks. He glanced away from her as he pondered what to say. He wanted to lie, but it would probably come out eventually.
“I’m a plastic surgeon.” He watched for her reaction, to see if she was pleased or amused by his chosen profession. She took another bite of her food. She chewed and swallowed. He had to stop looking at her.
“Why do you like the hospital more?”
“Because I work on real patients rather than those wanting to change their appearance.”
“Like what?”
“Today we had a woman who was in a bad motorcycle accident. We had to reconstruct her face so she looked normal.” His team was amazing today. He’d work with some incredible doctors in the States, and he was pleased to see that the hospital here was just as professional, even if they didn’t have the latest and greatest equipment. It was definitely challenging to perform the surgery without some of the technology he was used to, but the nurses made up for it with their skill.
“Sounds rewarding.”
“It is. On Thursday I have three cleft pallet surgeries scheduled. I love giving kids new smiles.”
Anna’s eyes widened. “That’s incredible. I had no idea you did such amazing work.”
He brushed off the compliment. He was never comfortable receiving recognition for his work. “What’d you do today?”
“Hung out with Una. She likes the pool.”
Una pushed against him and soaked his shirt. She’d hopped in the pool after he got home.
“That she does. Why didn’t you go anywhere?”
She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Jet lag. I fell asleep on the beach.”
“Oh, yeah, it can be bad. You should try to get out tomorrow. There’s a lot of great stuff to do here. Take a boat ride, go shopping, visit the elephants. There are magazines in your house. Flip through them, call my driver, and go wherever you want.”
Anna shrugged. “Maybe. Honestly, I haven’t had time to relax in years. I’m enjoying doing nothing.”
That Hayden could understand. Work today had been exhausting.
“I also met your neighbor.”
“Liam?” Hayden hoped it was Liam because although he tolerated Chloe, she was definitely a surgeon’s wife, and he didn’t want her influencing Anna.
“No, Chloe.”
Hayden covered his eyes and groaned. “I’m so sorry. Please ignore anything she said to you.”
“She didn’t say much. I’m not sure she liked me.”
He chuckled. “No, probably not. Don’t let her get to you. I try to avoid her, but unless I install a fence, that will be impossible.”
“Okay. Is there anyone else I should be warned about?” she asked with a chuckle.
“Probably Victoria. She lives on the other side of Chloe. She’s pretty snotty. Careful or she might claw your eyes out. Liam and Julia live on the other side. Nice guy. His kids are crazy though,” he said with a smile.
Anna nodded, and he wished he knew what she was thinking, what made her tick.
He stood. He couldn’t get involved, or she’d end up like Chloe or worse. Victoria.
Anna didn’t do anything different on Wednesday. Except she tried to learn how to cook from Ubon, who seemed to want her out of the kitchen. Just before dinner, she insisted Anna wear nice clothes for Hayden again.
As the side gate squeaked, female chatter came from the beach trail. Ubon jerked her head up and frowned at Anna.
Hayden dropped his jacket on the chair next to her and gave her a devastating grin. His eyes traveled the length of her body, and she shivered.
“You look nice. Did you have a good day?”
“I did. Thanks.” She didn’t know what else to say. He made no move to get closer to her, but she wanted him to wrap his arms around her and kiss her.
“Hello,” Chloe called from the other side of the pool. She sauntered up to Hayden with another dish in her hands. Anna resisted rolling her eyes. Obviously Chloe followed the adage that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Which Anna supposed could work, but only if one was actually good at cooking.
The other woman stood behind her, and Anna guessed she was Victoria. She had a teeny waist, breasts the size of melons, big hair, and bright red two-inch nails.
“Hayden, who’s your little friend?” Victoria’s voice purred. Anna was positive that voice landed her more than her fair share of men. The boobs definitely helped too.
Chloe answered for him. “This is Anna. She’s a friend, isn’t that right, Hayden
“Yeah.” His face was stony as he took the dish from Chloe and handed it to Ubon, who hovered near the trash can for a second too long before setting it on the counter. Anna nearly laughed. She had to figure out how to communicate with this woman. She’d love to hear her stories.
Hayden sat next to Anna, and Victoria stood across from them still giving Anna a death stare.
“She’s too pretty to be just a friend,” Victoria said.
Could she be any more obvious? Hayden draped an arm across the back of Anna’s chair. “Anna’s my brother’s girlfriend. With any luck, she’ll be my sister-in-law soon.” He winked at her. If he was trying to put those women off, he wasn’t doing a very good job. But she couldn’t stomach a dinner with them here. Ubon was placing the food on table. There was plenty for all of them.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t get to see Hayden very often, and we need to discuss these in-law options, so if you don’t mind, we’d like to eat alone.” Anna tried her best to keep her voice even and sweet. She didn’t want to give these women any reason to hate her.
Victoria crossed her arms. “What in-law options?”
Hayden chuckled. “My brother is a chicken. We’re trying to figure out how to get him to propose.”
Chloe grabbed Victoria’s arm. “Come on, let’s go. Anna, when do you leave?”
“Next week.”
“Okay, we won’t bother you again. Good luck with the wedding plans.”
Victoria glared at Anna as she left. As soon as they were out of sight, Anna whipped out her phone and sent Ubon a message.
The trashcan is waiting…
Ubon glanced at her phone, gave Anna a smile, picked up Chloe’s dish, and dropped it straight into the garbage. Hayden burst out laughing.
“Yep, Ubon, that’s about right.” He turned to Anna. “Sorry about the whole brother thing. If those women think that you and I are together, they’ll never leave you alone.”
“It’s okay. I get it. Thanks for saving me.” She hoped though that maybe he’d think of her as more than a friend while she was here. This would never go anywhere, but here, in paradise, she could use the fling.
Thursday afternoon Anna planted herself near the kitchen again, determined to learn how to make Thai food. Ubon frowned when she returned with all the groceries. The bags were overflowing with greens. Anna’s mouth watered just thinking about what Ubon could do with that. Ubon dropped the food on the counter and stared up at Anna with her hands on her waist.
“Can you keep secret?” Ubon asked in English. Anna’s mouth dropped open. She did not see this coming.
She didn’t know how to respond. “Uh, sure.”
A grin split across Ubon’s face. “I talk English.”
Anna leaned against the counter, now insanely curious why this woman would keep something like this a secret when it would make her job so much easier if it weren’t. “Obviously. Why is that a secret?”
“Because if Mr. Hayden knows, then he will ask me to do things he can’t…” She made exaggerated motions with her hands. “It makes my job easy if he no know I talk English.”
“You mean he’ll want sexual favors?” Anna’s insides went cold. She’d never heard of such a thing.
“Maybe. Lots of men do it. I clean and cook. Not a prostitute.”
“You don’t think Hayden would do that, do you?”
Ubon thought for a few seconds. “No, not Mr. Hayden, but I still no want to talk to him.”
“Why not?”
Ubon wrinkled her nose. “It easier this way.”
Anna was slightly confused, but pleased that Ubon trusted her. “Well then. Your secret is safe with me. Why’d you tell me anyway?”
“I like you better than the other women. Also, you want to learn how cook? We need talk.”
Ubon was incredibly chatty as she taught Anna how to make a noodle dish. It seemed easy, but Anna wasn’t sure she’d be able to do it again.
“Ubon, you know Hayden and I can’t eat this much food. You don’t have to make so much.”
Ubon shrugged. “I know. I take home to my family. I make food even if Mr. Hayden don’t show up so my family eats.”
Anna thought about that for a few moments. What must it be like to make so little that you had to eat someone else’s leftovers every day? That would be awful.
“How big is your family?”
“I have four kids and a lazy husband,” she said with a smile.
Anna laughed. “How old are your kids?”
“Buppha is ten, Kosum is six, Mali is four, and Sumalee is three. All girls.”
“I bet they’re all beautiful like you,” Anna said.
Ubon didn’t respond, but she smiled at the dish she was preparing. Anna’d have to see if she could sneak some treats in there for Ubon’s kids.
As they were finishing up, Ubon glanced at the clock.
“Oh my. You get dressed and look nice for Mr. Hayden.” Ubon pushed Anna out of the kitchen.
“Why is it so important to you if I look nice for Hayden?”
“Because you so pretty. Why you no sleep in Mr. Hayden’s bed?”
Anna was taken aback. “Maybe I don’t want to sleep in Hayden’s bed.”
Ubon looked confused. “Miss Anna, everyone want to sleep in Mr. Hayden’s bed. And you so pretty. You should win.”
Anna laughed, and Ubon followed suit. Then she escaped to her little house. She put on a sundress. It made her feel sexy. She added a bit of makeup and went into the kitchen with Ubon.
She spun in a circle for Ubon, and Ubon nodded appreciatively.
“You so pretty. You sleep in Mr. Hayden’s room tonight.”
Anna blushed and changed the subject. “Can I make a salad?”
“No matter.” Ubon shrugged.
Anna dug out lettuce and some cherry tomatoes and started chopping. The screechy gate opened, but she didn’t turn to look. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that she was waiting for him.
He greeted Una, and then he came and stood close enough to her that he could pluck cherry tomatoes out of the bowl. He leaned casually against the counter. His tie was loosened, and he’d unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. A five o’clock shadow peppered his jaw, and his muscles flexed as he moved closer to her. She caught a lingering whiff of his cologne that made her knees weak.
For a second she let her imagination run wild. What would it be like to be in a committed relationship with someone like him? With a man who came home from work, kissed her on the lips, and told her how much he missed her during the day, and looked that damn good.
Instead, Hayden said, “You know, I pay Ubon to cook for me. She could’ve made the salad. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I like cooking. She’s been teaching me.” Ubon could understand every word he said. Anna nearly giggled thinking of the things Hayden must say without realizing Ubon understood.
He made no move to put distance between them. She wanted to reach over, grab that tie, and pull him into her. But she couldn’t do that.
He leaned closer, and she inhaled his faint cologne. His eyes sparkled, and Anna held her breath. This wasn’t fair.
“Really. How’s that working with no English?”
“We manage.” Anna glanced past Hayden to Ubon. She pointed to Hayden, then to Anna, then she made a kissy face.
Anna shook her head slightly, and Ubon flipped her hair and batted her eyes. Anna couldn’t help but giggle.
Hayden creased his eyebrows. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” Anna tried very hard not to look at Ubon, who was now sashaying her hips.
Anna brought the salad to the table, and Hayden sat down across from her. Anna couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Who knew she’d find a friend in the cook of all people.
Ubon brought the rest of dinner over. It was a chicken and rice dish with sauce on the side. Anna wouldn't eat the sauce because it was too spicy, but the chicken and rice was e
xcellent. Very garlicky.
Hayden took a bite. “This is good. Did you make it?”
“I helped. Ubon did most of it. I’m sure if she weren’t around, I wouldn’t be able to recreate it. How was work?”
He shrugged. “I worked in the clinic. It was all very frivolous. Unnecessary. Stuff I already know how to do. I was hoping to learn new techniques, but so far, nothing’s been that challenging.”
Ubon stood behind Hayden and pointed to her nose. Then her stomach, then her rear. Then she put her hands in front of her breasts and moved her hands back and forth. Anna totally lost it.
Hayden turned around, but Ubon had already disappeared inside.
“What are you laughing at?”
Anna thought fast. She couldn’t tell Hayden what Ubon did. But this wasn’t Anna’s first time making jokes at plastic surgery. “Nothing. I’m sorry. It’s nothing you said. It’s just my friend Eileen and I used to make fun of plastic surgery. And when you were talking about the frivolous stuff, I remembered a conversation we had.” It was a weak excuse for her laughing, but she had nothing better. He didn’t look convinced.
“Let me guess. Your jokes generally focus on breast augmentation.”
Anna nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
“It’s actually what I hate most about this job. Plastic surgeons do amazing work, but all people think we do is boob jobs.” He scowled and took another bite of his food.
Anna sobered. She reached across the table and placed her hand on his. “Hayden, I didn’t mean it. You said yourself what you did today was mostly unnecessary. If it makes you feel any better, we usually joke about the women who had work done, not the surgeons who do it. Tell me more about what you do in the hospitals.”
He didn’t say anything for a few moments, and Anna thought she’d pissed him off. But after a couple of bites, he launched into stories about some of the reconstructions he did. Anna made a mental note to never tease him about his career again. But Ubon would probably make that impossible.
After dinner, Hayden stood. “Would you like to go for a walk on the beach?”